viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

An important piece of new

The piece of new that I´ll comment in this ocassion it´s about the salary of 105 university careers. I read this new at May 16th, Wednesday, by chance in a link that a classmate published on her Facebook profile. The new belonged to the newspaper "Las últimas Noticias" of Chile.

It said that into the web page "" of the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) it´s possible to determine the average salary of the chilean professions during the first and fifth year of to leave the educational institution, and the level of demand for the labor market (employability).

Within the 105 careers with possibilities of to find safe job and good salary, the article mentioned to metallurgical civil engineering, geology, medicine and nursing. However, the carees with worst evaluation acording to the same criterion are theater and acting, history degree and pedagogy in history, primary education and infant education. 




The text explained that the 64% of the proffesions (moreover those previously mentioned) earn less of $1.000.000 to fifth year!

To have other curricular experiences as: a good command of english language, to haver been assistent of some subject, to work very well in group and to develop other social habilities, it helps to access to a better position in the job.  

Many students (of secundary or universitary education), in the moment that they read this new, they can feel affected.

I think that this kind of news, in relation with social and educational themes, I´d like to hear, read or watch on TV, because the people can to be more and better informed for to know about their future decisions, and this form they can to have a better life style.

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